
Nextofkin Creatives is a strategic design studio based in Singapore and Taipei.They specialize in design research and strategy, brand design and storytelling, experience design, futures thinking and industrial design. 
Branding, Illustrations & Motion Graphics
Part of an internship with NextofKin Creatives

Inheritage embraces Singapore's cultural heritage to develop creative initiatives aimed at promoting active, healthy, and socially inclusive lifestyles for seniors, while simultaneously honoring and celebrating these cherished traditions.

The branding strategy focuses on crafting a visually adaptable language that is inclusive of multiple ethnicities and accessible to seniors. Incorporating retro visual elements and hand-drawn aesthetics, the brand reimagines familiar concepts in a fresh and engaging manner tailored specifically for older adults.

The logo was designed through various rounds of experimentation and collaboration with seniors before landing on the final visual language.

Concept Experiments

One of the notable programs is Silver Pride Lion Troupe, Singapore's pioneering lion dance ensemble dedicated to seniors. This multi-ethnic program offers seniors the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of lion dance, fostering physical activity and social interaction. The program is designed to accommodate participants with varying levels of mobility, ensuring inclusivity for both ambulant individuals and those using wheelchairs.


Read more about the project here.

It has been featured on South China Morning Post, The Straits Times, Our Grandfather Story and AFP.
